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The Holding of Promotion Meeting for “Research on Agricultural Development Policy in Transition” Key Scientific and Technological Tasks Implementation Plan

             Release time:2016-04-20

             In order to further promote the compilation of implementation plan and collaborative innovation action proposal for key scientific and technological tasks of scientific innovation engineering during the “thirteenth five year plan”, the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development initiated the Promotion Meeting for “Research on Agricultural Development Policy in Transition” Key Scientific and Technological Tasks Implementation Plan on the 24th March. The meeting was hosted by deputy director Wang Jimin. During the “thirteenth five year plan” of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, More than 30 people, including the related team members of innovation team, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Chinese National Rice Research Institute, Grassland Research Institute and Biogas Institute and the comrades of responsible departments of innovation engineering, attended the meeting.   
   Deputy director Wang Jimin conveyed the spirit of promotion meeting for the compilation of implementation plans of 18 key scientific and technological tasks made on the 8th March, and stressed that in the future five years, scientific innovation engineering of our Institute would pay more attention to the stable support under meeting the requirements of national significant development, especially support the excellent and powerful discipline-teams, lead the optimization and adjustment of marginal disciplines and team, gradually increase the expenditure proportion of key scientific and technological tasks in the gross team expenditure, gradually decrease the gross expenditure of Institute’s innovation team, and further strengthen the actual effects of performance evaluation for the Institute; and proposed that according to the meeting requirements, it shall compact, focus and form the specific collaborative innovation action proposal in the compilation of implementation plan of this key scientific and technological task according to task planning roadmap.    
   At the meeting, each innovation team combined with their own research advantages, found the hot issues in the agricultural development in transition, and actively sought the collaborative innovation points. Through the discussion, it finally formed three collaborative actions, covering the model, policy and techno-economic appraisal. In addition, the meeting also made it clear that innovation team of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development launched the compilation for implementation plan of key scientific and technological tasks, decomposed the compiling tasks and determined the time nodes.
   The holding of this meeting further straightened out the content of “Research on Agricultural Development Policy in Transition” key scientific and technological tasks, and effectively guaranteed the smooth implementation for the compilation of implementation plan and collaborative innovation action proposal.


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