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Meeting to push forward the implementation of key S&T tasks related to “Study on agricultural development policy at the time of transformation”

             Release time:2016-04-20

   In order to push forward to compile the recommendations on key S&T tasks and synergetic innovation of S&T innovation programs to be launched during “13th Five-Year Plan”, IAED organized and held the Meeting to push forward the implementation of key S&T tasks related to “Study on agricultural development policy at the time of transformation” on Mar. 24. The meeting was hosted by Wang Jimin (deputy director), more than 30 people (including people from IAED Innovation Team, Food and Nutrition Development Research Office, China National Rice Research Institute, China National Institute of Grassland and Institute of Marsh Gas and people in charge of innovation programs) joined the meeting.  
   On the meeting, Wang Jimin share the spirits proposed by the meeting to push forward to compile the recommendations on 18 key S&T tasks held on Mar. 8. He pointed out that in the coming five years, IAED will pay more attention to the work complying with national development demands and support the S&T teams which are powerful and excellent; IAED will give guidance to boundary science and team perfection. In the future, IAED will gradually increase the investment given to S&T tasks and lower the volume investment given to innovation team; IAED will strengthen the actual effect of performance evaluation. It is proposed that according to the requirements of the meeting, when compiling the proposals for key S&T tasks, a recommendation about synergetic innovative actions consistent with the planned road map shall be formed.   
   On the meeting, combing their own advantages, all innovation teams figured out the innovations that they are going to do at the time of transformation. After discussion, 3 synergetic innovations were defined, which covers the model evaluation, policy evaluation and technological economy evaluation. Additionally, it was required that IAED shall lead the compiling of key S&T tasks implementation proposal; the compilation tasks are decomposed, with time nodes were defined.    
   By the meeting, key S&T tasks related to “Study on Agricultural Development Policy at the time of Transformation” were sorted out and defined, by which the compilation for implementation proposal and recommendation on synergetic innovations can be carried out progressively.


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