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Wu Yongchang is invited to do a report on “10th S&T Innovation and Urban Management Forum”

             Release time:2016-05-26

   On May 21, Wu Yongchang, researcher of IAED, was invited to do a report on “10th S&T Innovation and Urban Management Forum”. The forum was organized by National Academy of  Innovation Strategy and Research Institute  of S&T Policy and Management Science, CAS, which was coordinated by Service Center for Societies of CAST and Science and technology of China press. It was held in China Hall of Science and Technology.   
   On the forum, Wu Yongchang made a report themed “4.n Dimensional Space Agricultural Planning Theory and Method, by which he introduced the multi-dimensional agricultural planning platform integrating a series of technologies like CAD, GIS, 3D and VR. This platform made a breakthrough in four aspects --- from plane layout to space planning, from single-way guidance to multi-way interaction, from static display to dynamic simulation, from general expression to direct-vision deduction. The report also introduced ancient ideas in agricultural planning which is based on space dimension theory and geomantic theory. The report was highly evaluated by the attendees, which resulted in warm discussion on the forum.
   Furthermore, the book “China Science and Social Prospect in 2049 --- Biotechnology and Future Agriculture” , whose subeditor was Wu Yongchang, was firstly exposed to the public as one key part of “China Science and Social Prospect in 2049” and “China Association for Science and Technology High-tech Innovation Think Bank Series”. The book predicts the development director of biotechnology and key technical route in the future, which provides great guidance for the development of China’s future agriculture.


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