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Associate Researcher Qian Jiarong Invited to Attend “2016 International Conference on Global System Risk in Food, Climate Change and Finance”

             Release time:2016-11-02

   On Oct. 21, Qian Jiarong, associate researcher of Technology& Economics Laboratory of our Institute, at the invitation of Korea University, attended “2016 International Conference on Global System Risk in Food, Climate Change and Finance”  and made the keynote speech with the theme of Price Support, Competitiveness and Food Security: Empirical Evidence from China.   
   Associate researcher Qian Jiarong firstly introduced our country’s current food supply-demand situation and the implementation of food price support policy; secondly, analyzed mechanism of action of price support for food market and production and pointed out price support policy influenced the food price and production by intervening in the market supply and demand and forming market expectation; thirdly, mechanism of action based on price support policy separately built the supply-demand balance model of rice, wheat and corn in our country, analyzed the influence of price support on our country’s food supply and demand, trade and production cost by simulation, and pointed out the positive impact of price support on food price, production cost, output, import and ending inventory, and its adverse impact on the domestic food demand and food exports by analyzing.    
   Associate researcher Qian Jiarong finally stressed that (1) Price support policy had a significant impact on food market and played an essential role in safeguarding our country’s grain self-sufficiency rate. From the perspective of protecting national food security and industry security, it shall prevent the sharp fluctuations in the price support level, and the reform of price support policy shall be very discreet. (2) Price support resulted in the sharp increase of our country’s food import. Although food import grew rapidly, its share was still very small, compared with domestic production and consumption. At the same time, due to the existing of import tariff quotas, our country’s food import quantity would not keep rising in the future, therefore, food import was neither sufficiently to threaten our country’s food security, nor formed a big impact on the international food market; (3) Price support increased the food production cost, weakened the international competitiveness of our country’s food products to some extent, and also partly offset farmer’s grain receipts. The reform of price support policy in our country shall take into full account cost factor in the future; (4) Price support ultimately resulted in the significantly rising of food stocks. The growth rate of food exceeded its production, therefore, it shall introduce the corresponding supporting measures and reduce the inventory pressure and financial burden brought by the price support, when adopting the price support to safeguard the food security.
   “2016 International Conference on Global System Risk in Food, Climate Change and Finance” , an international seminar, was jointly hosted by Korea University, Korean Institute of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, and other units. This meeting, which has been held every year, dedicated to studying the global food security, climate change and finance, and aimed at promoting the healthy development of world agriculture.


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