Researcher Wang Xiudong Invited to Attend “2016 Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reforms—National Large Farmer Experience Exchange & Production and Marketing Matching Conference”
On Aug. 27, the researcher Wang Xiudong was invited to attend “2016 Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reforms—National Large Farmer Experience Exchange& Production and Marketing Matching Conference” , and made the excellent speech on “Interpretation of First Document—The Idea of Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reforms” as the guest speaker.
The researcher Wang Xiudong carried out the in-depth analysis for our country’s agricultural supply-side reforms from five aspects, such as understanding about supply-side structural reforms, the analysis of development for our country’s agricultural supply-side, the situation faced by our country’s agricultural supply-side reforms, the measures for our country’s current agricultural supply-side structural reforms and rethinking for adjustment strategy of agricultural structures. The researcher Wang Xiudong thought that our country was not lack of demand, or no demand, but the demand changed, the supplied products were not changed and the quality and service can not keep. The inadequate effective supply capacity brought a lot of “demand spillover”, and consumption ability was seriously drained. In the supply-side reforms and transformation of agricultural development mode, grain industry shall never be relaxed, a new round of structural adjustment shall draw profound historical lessons and it shall be vigilant in peace time. At the same time, it shall consider the stability of grain output and the increasing of rural income, and ensure the absolute security of rations and improvement of comprehensive benefits for the agricultural production as the primary task of this structural adjustment. The speech of researcher Wang Xiudong aroused great interest to the attendees. Some experts and scholars carried out a heated discussion with the researcher Wang Xiudong for the content of the speech.
“2016 Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reforms—National Large Farmer Experience Exchange& Production and Marketing Matching Conference” is to explore the development path of agricultural enterprises and large grower and breeder in the context of agricultural supply-side structural reforms, summarize the development experience of agricultural enterprises, dissect the development trend, development bottleneck and development difficulties of agricultural industry, practically help analyze and solve the existing demands and finally realize the scale, industrialization, standardization and branding of agricultural industry. The main purpose of this conference is to promote the agricultural enterprises adapt to new normal, promote the exchange and matching between upstream and downstream enterprises, and advance the exchange and cooperation between agricultural science, agricultural technology, agricultural enterprise and food industry management organization and food processing enterprise.
The leaders from the Ministry of?Agriculture's?management?of?cadre members, Ministry of Agriculture’s agricultural reclamation bureau, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science and China Meat Association, and experts attended this conference.