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The Agricultural Economy and Social Development Institute Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Thailand Institute of Hydrology and Agricultural inf

             Release time:2015-11-26


On June 13, Qin Fu, the director of the Agricultural Economy and Social Development Institute received 7 people, under the lead of Royol Chitradon, from Thailand Institute of Hydrology and Agricultural information in Ministry of Science and Technology. Both sides made in-depth exchanges, mainly exploring the possibility of cooperation in management of rural water resources, especially the water resources in community.

During the meeting, Qin Fu made a brief Introduction to the scientific research business and to the basic situation of the international cooperation. Besides, the Thai delegation briefly presented the outline of their Institute and the relevant information on the water resources management in Thai community. Moreover, the experts present conducted communications on the hot issues in which Thai representatives were interested in, such as, the Innovation of irrigation management system, the flood prevention and control, and resource utilization system and climate change.

On the basis of full communication, the Agricultural Economy and Social Development Institute and Thailand and Thailand Institute of Hydrology and Agricultural information signed a memorandum of understanding. Both sides expressed their strong desire to develop bilateral cooperation and exchanges in the field of community water resources management. The signing of the memorandum laid a good foundation for the scientific research, exchanges and cooperation in terms of the rural water resources management between the Agricultural Economy and Social Development Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Thailand Institute of Hydrology and Agricultural information. Those who attended this meeting also included Xu Ming, a project officer in State organization section in Bureau of international Cooperation of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and some experts in Agricultural and Rural Resources and Environment Research Laboratory in the Agricultural Economy and Social Development institute.

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