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A researcher Li Xiande participated in the 41 Committee Meeting on World Food Security

             Release time:2015-11-26


The 41 Committee Meeting on World Food Security (hereinafter referred to as “CFS”) was held from October 13 to October 18, 2014 in Rome, headquarter of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. As a member of Chinese delegation, Li Xiande, a researcher in our institute, took part in this meeting.

The main issues of this conference were: to discuss and review the report of the State of Food insecurity in the World in 2014 issued by FAO; to review two report files of round-table conference, namely, Grain Loss and Waste Under the Background of the Sustainable Food System and the Development of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquiculture and Promotion of Food Security and Nutrition; to review some working documents of Committee Meeting on World Food Security, such as, “Principles of Responsible investment in Agriculture and Food System” “Action Agenda of Addressing Food insecurity in the Long-term Crisis”, “Progress Report on Work Plans and Priority of Committee Meeting on World Food Security for Many Years” and “the Global Food Security and Nutrition Strategic Framework (GSF) - third edition (2014)” et al. During the conference, Committee Meeting on World Food Security-A special World Food Day Event was also held.

The participants of this meeting are representatives from 111 members and 10 non-members of Committee Meeting on World Food Security, 10 UN agencies and departments, 81 civil social organizations and 73 private sector association, et al. the secretary general of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, an executive officer of World Food Program, Vice President of IFAD, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Chairman of the Steering Committee of High-level Nutrition Expert Group were present at the conference and made opening speeches respectively. CCTV also devoted a special report on the condition of opening of the conference.


Related links:(http://tv.cntv.cn/video/c10616/d3fa2ddf02d946d08f0af9b0b46c03cc)

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