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Wang Dongyang (IAED director) leads a team to do a survey on the mode of agricultural sustainable development in Jiangsu and Hubei

             Release time:2017-11-22

    According to Survey Proposal for 10 Key Problems related to Development Plans issued by General Office of Ministry of Agriculture, Wang Dongyang, together with other 3 people, went to Hubei and Jiangsu to have a survey from May 16 to 20. There, the survey team had a meeting with relevant divisions of Agriculture Department in Jiangsu and Hubei, by which they got an overall understanding on the status of agricultural sustainable development in Hubei and Jiangsu. Besides, they did a field survey on the sustainable development mode used in Anlu, Ezhou, Wuxu and Dongtai.    
   The survey team visited Shendan Sanhe Organic Fertilizer Plant, pilot project (in Anlu county) to deal with non-point source pollution to the agriculture (with a capacity of billions of Jin), Shenzhou Animal Husbandry Group, Optics Valley Bluefire, pilot project (in Xishan District, Wuxi) to deal with non-point source pollution to agriculture, Gangang Straw Processing Plant, Jianggang Straw Warehousing Center etc. During the visit, they were introduced the methods and achievements related to treatment on pollution by animal husbandry, treatment on non-point source pollution to agriculture and reuse of straws by persons in charge of enterprises, villager teams and farmers. They also discussed the restrictions and problems encountered by different development modes, as well as solutions.

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