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In Wuhan, Kick-off meeting for the project “Study on Strategy for International Cooperation Development of China’s Agriculture under “One Belt One Road” (a key project of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2016) is held.

             Release time:2017-11-22

    On Apr. 16, IAED, Research Institute of Vegetables and Flowers and School of Economics and Management of HZAU(Huazhong Agricultural University), held the  kick-off meeting for the project “Study on Strategy for International Cooperation Development of China’s Agriculture under “One Belt One Road” (a key project of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2016) in Wuhan. The meeting was jointly hosted by Fang Zhiyuan (academician from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) and Fu Tingdong (academician from Huazhong Agricultural University), where Hu Zhiquan (researcher of IAED), Doctor Qian Jingfei and Li Lei (deputy researcher from Research Institute of Vegetables and Flowers ) attended the meeting as representatives from the organizer. Almost 100 leaders, experts, teachers and students from Chinese Academy of Engineering , Huazhong Agricultural University, Yunnan Agricultural University, Guangxi University and Wuhan University were present.    
   On the meeting, Hu Zhiquan made a report on the project design, project organization and project division. Themed on “Study on International Cooperation Strategy for Food Secuirty and Key Agricultural Products under “One Belt One Road”, he introduced the research achievements which have been made by the group team, as well as the research tasks, research targets, research methods, research plans, expected results and performance evaluation indexes etc.
   On the meeting, Gao Zhongqi (director of 2nd Bureau of Chinese Academy of Engineering), Fu Tingdong, Yu Shuxun, Chen Zongmao, Luo Xiwen, Zhu Yingguo, Chen Jianping, Li Tianlai and Deng Xiuxin highly evaluated the report and early-stage work done by the group team. They thought that this project would greatly affect the implementation for international agricultural cooperation strategies under “One Belt One Road”. Also, they had a warm discussion on the project status and project implementation.

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