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Wang Dongyang (director of IAED) and Professor Jiang Heping are invited to make a report on Innovation High-end Forum of Big Grain Production Counties

             Release time:2017-11-22

    On Dec. 12, Innovation High-end Forum of Big Grain Production Counties was held in Tsinghua University, where Wang Dongyang and Professor Jiang Heping were invited. This forum was jointly held by China Well-off Construction Board, CRF and Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics. The seminar was attended by over 70 people from State Council, MOHURD, CPPCC, leaders of local agricultural departments, experts from research institutes and universities, representatives from well-known agricultural enterprises and financing organizations etc.
   On the forum, Wang Dongyang made a report “Proposes and Suggestions on Constructing High Standard Farmlands. In the report, it introduced the concept of high standard farmland, the layout of high standard farmland and the planning of high standard farmland. According to the problems suffered by constructing high standard farmland, like cultivated land degradation and farmland contamination, the report proposed that suggestions to set up high standard farmland construction fund, develop multiple-capital-support agriculture system and draw up laws for farmland protection.   
   Professor Jiang Heping made a report “High Inventory of Grain in China and Countermeasures to Solve High Inventory, by which he introduced that currently, the grain inventory in China is high, the balance between grain supply and grain demand was broken and the grain suffers a periodical oversupply. Also, he analyzed the causes therefrom in terms of market, management and system; then he proposed policies and suggestions linking with grain supply-and-storage policy, stored grain alternation and operation system, grain processing layout and grain pricing system etc.    
   All attendees highly evaluated and prized the reports made by Wang Dongyang and Professor Jiang Heping, who thought that their reports were good references for enhancing grain production, perfecting grain storage management and guaranteeing the food security in China.

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