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Professor Jiang Heping made a report on ACD (Asia Cooperation Dialogue) Agriculture and Food Security Cooperation Seminar

             Release time:2017-11-22

   On Dec. 8, ACD (Asia Cooperation Dialogue) Agriculture and Food Security Cooperation Seminar was held in Beijing, Professor Jiang Heping was invited. This seminar was organized by International Cooperation Department of Ministry of Agriculture and coordinated by Foreign Economic Cooperation Center of Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture from 12 countries (including Thailand, Vietnam and Pakistan) and over 50 experts attended the seminar.    
   Professor Jiang Heping made a report “Food Security and Modern Agriculture Development in China”. By the report, he made a conclusion that since the reform and opening-up, China has been devoting to developing agriculture, by now, China has made great achievements in agricultural product output, agricultural mechanization and farmers’ income; also, he analyzed the problems existed in the balance of grain supply and grain demand, grain production cost and guarantee of food security. Targeting at these problems, he proposed that it is mandatory to reform the land management system, consolidate the infrastructure construction, strengthen the innovation in agricultural technology, deepen the reformation on rural financing system, speed up the cultivation on new professional farms and perfect the agricultural socialization service. By these propositions, he hopes that modern agriculture can be sped up and food security can be well guaranteed.    
   The report made by Professor Jiang Heping covers a series of fields, what is mentioned in the report is quite systematic and comprehensive. That is the report was very targeted and time sensitive. Which was highly evaluated by the attendees. What’s more, his report was a good reference for the countries involve din ACD to know about the development status of China’s agriculture, for deepening the cooperation on agriculture and food security and guaranteeing the food security.

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