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Innovation Team of Agricultural Modernization Theory and Policy held a meeting to report the research achievements made by key projects of National Social Science Funds

             Release time:2017-11-22

   On Nov. 20, Innovation Team of Agricultural Modernization Theory and Policy held a meeting on the key projects of national social science funds, where the research achievements related to national food security were reported in the view of reformation. The meeting was held by Wang Jimin (deputy director of IAED. Ni Degang (deputy director of Research Department of Central Party School of the Communist Party of China), Gao Yanbin (director of  Research Department of Central Party School of the Communist Party of China), Professor Cheng Guoqiang ( from Development Research Center of the State Council), Jiang Changyun (researcher from NDRC Academy of Macroeconomic Research), Professor Zheng Fengtian (from SARD of Renmin University), Professor Hong Tao (from Beijing Technology and Business University) and Chen Yingjun (researcher of Research Institute of IAED Resource and Agricultural Zoning) were invited to attend the meeting. Over 40 people including Mao Shiping (director of IAED) and other researchers, post-doctors and post-graduates attended the meeting.
  On behalf of research group, Professor Jiang Heping made a report on the project research done in 2014. At the same time, some other attendees made reports on their own research achievements, including Professor Wang Kejun (from China Institute of Management Science), Xin Ling (deputy researcher of IAED), Li Ninghui (researcher of IAED), Yang Dongqun (deputy researcher of IAED), Cui Qifeng (deputy researcher of IAED) and Post-doctor Wang Xiaojun etc.
  The experts attending the meeting gave high evaluation and praise to the achievements made by the research group, stating that the research group put great emphasis to field survey and did the survey in a innovative way, what achievements the group has made within one year was really seldom occurred before. These research achievements will play an important role in solving the problems suffered by food security in China. For example, the research group has compiled 14 recommendations, 10 of which were applied by Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance, with great social benefits have made.
  On behalf of the research group, Professor Jiang Heping shown great appreciation for the suggestions given by experts and leaders present in the meeting. Later, the research group will adopt the suggestions given by experts to adjust their research; also, the research group will tightly follow the new trend, new policy and new problems of food security. Research group will do what it can to make achievements in 2006.

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