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“Foreign Agricultural Economics and policy” Innovation team invited Gu Shansong, vice-manager of COFCO group strategy research department on an academic report

             Release time:2017-11-22

On November 2th, at the invitation of “Foreign Agricultural Economics and policy” Innovation team, Gu Shansong, vice-manager of COFCO group strategy research department, came to give an academic report entitled “COFCO group ‘stepping out’ strategy".

the report of deputy general manager Gu Shansong mainly focused on the follow four aspects: the framework of COFCO; ‘stepping out’ process of COFCO; ‘stepping out’ strategy thinking of COFCO; ‘stepping out’ experience of COFCO. Vice researcher Liu Heguang, director of international Agricultural Economics and Trade institute, were summarized and commented the brilliant report. COFCO give full consideration to the development tendency of grain and oil industry, the development tendency of the policy that state’s agricultural enterprise ‘stepping out’ police, as well as the need of its own development and grow state, actively plan and implement ‘stepping out t’ strategy, which does not seek the controlling to the production base, but place the grain and oil industry chain actively, focus on the important link, seize the key enterprises, through the acquisition of large and medium-sized international grain and oil enterprises, to be a really influential international agricultural enterprises in the international grain market.

the participants has active communication on the seminar, researcher Zhong Yu, Chen Yangfen, Yan Yantao, Qian Jingfei and Yang Dongqun were in-depth discussion with the keynote speaker for the topic of the acquisition of COFCO agricultural products, COFCO 'stepping out' regional distribution, COFCO international trade, agricultural products import and export control, COFCO overseas extension development ideas, COFCO 'stepping out' strategy and “one belt and one Road” and other issues. the participants benefited much from the profound and excellent academic report, which connected the theoretical thinking and practical cases, will further inspire the relevant research train.

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