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Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development Holding the Modification Meeting of “Research on Agricultural Development Policy in Transition” Key Scientific and Technological Tasks Implementation Plan

             Release time:2017-11-22

   In order to better promote the compilation of implementation plan of key scientific and technological tasks of innovation engineering led by our Institute and the proposal for collaborative innovation task, compile group of “Research on Agricultural Development Policy in Transition” Key Scientific and Technological Tasks Implementation Plan held the meeting on the 7th April. The meeting was presided over by deputy director Wang Jimin. Chief scientists and skeleton staff of innovation team, which took part in the compilation, attended the meeting.   
   At the meeting, the team responsible for drafting analyzed the problems found in the process of compilation  and drafting of implementation plan and proposal item by item, and made recommendations for further perfecting the compilation of implementation plan and proposal. Each edit team also sorted out and perfected the compiling contents according to the basic materials and suggestions. Deputy director Wang Jimin gave a positive attitude towards the early compilation of the implementation plan and proposal, and made instructions to the next compilation according to the problems in the process of compilation. The meeting also added the deployment of agricultural planning—collaborative innovation tasks.
   This meeting further defined the written requirements of implementation plan of key scientific and technological tasks, unified the compilation standard for each part of implementation plan and provided the safeguard for the completion of feasible implementation plan and proposal with complete contents.

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