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“Foreign agricultural economy and policy Innovation team in “annual conference of China Foreign agricultural economy seminar in 2015, and Symposium”

             Release time:2015-11-13


 “Annual conference of China Foreign agricultural economy seminar in 2015, and Symposium", sponsored by China Foreign agricultural economy seminar and organized by Jiangnan University commercial college, was convoked in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province during November 7-8, 2015. President of the society, deputy director Du Zhixiong of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, rural development institute, Directory Li Xiangyang of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Asia Pacific and Global Strategic Research institute, vice president Gu Zhengbiao of Jiangnan University, curator He Xiurong of CAU and other 200 experts and scholars attended the meeting.

Li Xiande, who is the chief of “foreign agricultural economy and policy" Innovation team”, and director of foreign agricultural economic and Trade Research Center together with associate researcher Liu Heguang and Zhong Yu, research assistant Sun Zhilu and other team members attended the annual meeting.

Li Xiande and Liu Hegang give the academic report entitled “national food production status and prospects along ’one Belt and one Road’” and “the possible impact of BRICS establishing the FTA for the five countries in agriculture and China policy” respectively. Deputy researcher Zhong Yu chaired the symposium of parallel sessions of forum for graduate students the second unit.

 “The possible impact of BRICS establishing the FTA for the five countries in agriculture and China policy” submitted by Liu Heguang, Wang Jingyi and Chen Yu won the third price of excellent paper of the annual meeting.

In addition, researcher Zhu Lizhi, who is the director of agricultural resources and environmental economics research department, acted as the vice-chairman and supervisory of China Foreign Agricultural Economic Research Association, gave a board of supervisors report on the working conference of seminar. 

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